So you want to have the social skills you need to develop your career?

Are you ready to finally unleash your true potential, gain more of a social life outside work, and be able to simply be yourself around people?

I’m Daniel Findlay and I want to personally help you grow your confidence and pick up social skills anyone can learn (even introverts!!) so you can have a happy and fulfilling life.

Stop and read this before going any further …

“Daniel is the real deal when it comes to social skills coaching. The way he combines his real life social experiences with self-improvement guidelines is what truly makes him a legend in my book. I participated in a course of his and there were plenty of things that I thought I had figured out already but there was always something very important and new to learn from each module which was truly beneficial."

-Craig Dias

“Daniel has helped me concentrate on and be thankful of the good things in my life and myself - and not to let my mind be overwhelmed with negative thoughts. Daniel can do this so well because he himself has struggled with these same feelings. He does not reel off long lists of theoretical advice in the hope that something will work; when you talk with Daniel, you get a very real sense that he has found his way through many difficult emotions and feelings, and come out the other end so much stronger.”

-Emyr Thomas

Imagine this:

✙ Speaking up in meetings to share your ideas without worrying about getting shot down, interrupted, or talked over

✙Making genuine connections with your boss and boss’ boss, paving the way for promotions and raises

✙Enjoying an effortless, endless flow of conversation with colleagues, acquaintances, and people you’ve only just met

✙Discovering the true depth of your potential in your career, so you’re able to do meaningful work you love and get paid for it

✙Volunteering for new challenges without ever worrying about “imposter syndrome” holding you back

✙Having 100% confidence in your own social skills to step into a leadership role and do exceptionally well

✙Building an extended professional network of people you truly enjoy
Oh, and actually having relationships outside of work with people you share fun and intimate experiences with.
Look, we know that you have doubled down on your career development, especially your technical skills. You’re career-focused and extremely motivated to do well.

That’s great, keep that up.

But, there’s a big chance that, while you have been laser-focused on your technical abilities, you’ve forgotten how important it is to build self-confidence, social skills, and actual friendships.

You did what you thought was most important, but you now have a big gap in the support structure around you.

Not to mention, you’re just totally OVER the idea that you have to be extroverted to fit in.

Society tells us we should be outgoing, the life of the party, vivacious and loud …

However, if YOU acted like that, not only would it come off as absolutely fake, but it would make you miserable, exhausted, and might even cause a panic attack.

But the biggest problem it’s causing in your life right now is that you’re missing out on the opportunities you’ve been so diligently preparing for because you don’t have social confidence in yourself.

Let me break down the truth for you …

To finally have the things you want, it’s time to take a big, uncomfortable step.

If you stay the same, you’re never going to live out your true potential and you will miss out on not just so many career opportunities, but also meaningful experiences in your personal life that can shape your experience and help you build the ever-elusive self-confidence you crave.

I’m not trying to transform you into an extrovert, but I do want to help you build social skills in an authentic way so you can achieve your career goals and have the full, human experience in your social life.

Ready to learn how this is done?

Introducing: Advance Your Social Skills

A program for introverted career professionals who want to feel more confident in social situations, remove social anxiety, and advance their social skills.

When you do the work in Advance Your Social Skills, you’ll become so confident in social situations that you’ll no longer feel the need to “fit in.” You will have the social skills to build relationships and assert yourself, and you’ll feel perfectly at ease starting and maintaining conversations with anyone.

 Here’s what you’re going to get inside Advance Your Social Skills:

1. Six Live Group Coaching Calls

2. Private Facebook group

3. Unlimited Support via Email from myself

4. My Full Advance Your Social Skills Self-Study Course, which includes 7 modules

Within the course, you will learn:

Module One: Social Confidence - Dive deep into a better understanding of the conscious and subconscious emotions that cause you to feel social fear and anxiety, and learn how to overcome it

Module Two: Listening Skills- Fun and engaging conversations begin with one, very important skill: listening! This module will teach you how to make better conversations with listening skills.

Module Three: Conversation Skills- Have you ever avoided a networking or social event because you didn’t know how to start a conversation? This module will help you become better at meaningful small talk that can act as a springboard to amazing relationships.

 Module Four: Building Rapport and Body Language- Never forget that what you say is only a small part of the interaction you’re having with others. This module will help you understand how to be mindful of body language while forging relationships

Module Five: Building Relationships- Imagine having a tight network of close friends, that’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do in this module

Module Six: Assertiveness- Never worry again that you’re “not enough” or “too much.” Learning assertiveness can help you find the middle ground that will help you engage and connect with more people.

 The next round of Advance Your Social Skills begins on 1st August 2022.

 Click the button below to reserve your spot with us.

This course is closed for enrollment.

“Daniel was instrumental in helping me develop key soft skills. He demonstrated his knowledge and ability to assess my areas that needed improvement and provided guidance to approach each issue with the proper strategy or viable technique.”
 -Carlyle Bruno

“I strongly recommend working with Daniel if you are interested in improving your communication/confidence skills. His personal experience provides for great examples and he is very thoughtful in not only providing great information but also encourages clients to take action when it comes to achieving their goals.”
-Cecelie Marie Pederse

“Daniel's coaching has been really helpful in providing guidance, encouragement and accountability in taking the steps needed to overcome unhelpful fears and patterns that have been a hindrance. His gentle and open demeanor fosters a safe space to share vulnerabilities with the assurance that you will be met with understanding and support.”
 -Ariana Miller

There was a time, not so long ago, that I realized I was missing out on so many things.

● Leveraging relationships at work was difficult and, as a result, I was missing out on promotions and raises

It turns out, there were too things I was doing wrong:

First, I was trying too hard at work and believing that emphasizing my technical skills was more important than it actually is. Yes, the skills you bring to your job are important, but skills can be taught. What’s most important is actually the relationships you build.

Second, when it came to social interactions outside of work, I was meeting all the wrong people and didn’t have a system for discerning who I could be socially compatible with. It’s not in your interest to try to “fit in” with people who don’t truly appreciate who you are; instead, you need to learn how to be authentic and attract the right people to you.

Fast-forward, now that I have these skills developed, I have an amazing career, a full social life, and I even just recently got engaged to my soulmate.

My biggest fear used to be social situations, but now I have worked with over 100 clients (including CEOs and people in leadership positions) and have been featured on large podcasts and blogs, including a podcast episode with - a site where people meet friends.

If I can transform my social anxiety into social confidence, you can too.

“When I was in a low part of my life, I started to look for help how to deal with being an introvert. I didn’t understand why I was so negative about myself or so shy to even reach out to talk to strangers. I also wasn’t doing well in interviews because of the lack of confidence. While looking around LinkedIn I ended finding one of Daniel’s post and I thought he was helpful and relatable. After talking to Daniel just briefly, I started to work with Daniel to boost my confidence and how to live life as an introvert but with effective communication skills. My favorite lessons that I have learned is definitely to be more assertive and ask open-ending questions that lead to more engaging conversations and how to keep it going. I highly recommend taking a program with Daniel, he’s absolutely amazing!”
-Emily S.

“Daniel is a phenomenal coach. I've been working with him for the last six months and have seen spectacular results. Prior to working with Daniel, I was mostly shut in and had a hard time just mustering up a hello to a stranger. His work has helped me to get back out into the world; making new friends and taking charge of my life.”
-Josh Savage

“I really struggled with confidence, communication, and generally being in social situations. [After working with Daniel] I feel more confident being in social situations now, starting conversations with people who I don't know, going to networking events.”
-Panna A.

You don’t have to live in fear of engaging with others, you can build social confidence now. Click the button below to enrol in the program.

Hi, I'm Daniel

I help people who are struggling with their social skills and confidence lead the life they deserve.

I understand what it’s like to struggle in social situations and to feel like you just don’t connect with people. This was my life for 20+ years, until I decided to do something about it.

I’m a qualified coach who has worked with over 200 clients from around the world. I have coached people across 30 different industries and have CEO clients.

I believe that working on your social skills and confidence can totally transform your life. I have a proven structure to teach you social skills, that you will have for the rest of your life.

I want to share this process with YOU, so that you can get real results.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

When does the course start?
The course begins on August 1st

How long will the course last?
The course will last for 5 weeks

I want to join the course, but I'm anxious on group calls?

Don't worry, I understand how this feels, as I also used to hate group calls. However, I can ensure you that you will never be put on the spot during the group calls and can sit with your camera off if you'd like

How long will it take each day?
I have created this course for busy professionals, so it shouldn’t take more than 2 hours per week.

How is this different to other courses?
I’ve took great pride in making sure this isn’t just ‘another course’. Every module is backed up with actions and exercises to be working on every week.

There are also weekly live group calls. You also need to check in with me every week, so that I know you’re on track. I will go out of my way to offer you support to make sure you get results.

What do I do if I can't make the live calls?
The live calls are all recorded and will be uploaded after the session.

How do I know it will work?
I have helped over 200 clients improve their confidence and social skills. So what I teach in this course already has proven success. As long as you commit and do the work, you will get great results.

How can I contact you?
You can contact me via email LinkedIn or Whatsapp. I’m available Monday-Friday

Still unsure? Book a call with me